6 Best Dual Extruder 3D Printers

Looking for the best dual extruder 3D printers? Look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best options on the market right now. Dual extruder printers are becoming more and more popular, as they allow users to print in two colors or materials at once. This can be a great way to create complex designs and models. If you’re looking for a printer that offers versatility and flexibility, then a dual extruder model is definitely worth considering.

What is a dual extruder 3D printer and what are the benefits of owning one?

In 3D printing, an extruder is a device that pushes out melted filament through a nozzle. A dual extruder 3D printer has two of these devices, allowing it to print with two different colors or materials at the same time. This can be useful for creating complex prints with multiple colors or for printing with two different types of material, such as ABS and PLA.

Dual extruder 3D printers are generally more expensive than single extruder printers, but they offer greater flexibility for users who want to experiment with different materials and colors.
Other benefits of dual extruder 3D printers includes:

  • First, you can print with multiple colors or materials with two extruders. This means that you can create truly unique prints and not just limited to one color.
  • Dual extruder printers are much faster than single extruder printers. This is because they can print two layers at the same time.
  • Dual extrusion allows for more complex prints. With two colors or materials, you can create prints with intricate details and patterns that would be impossible with a single extruder printer.
  • They are more reliable than single extruder printers. This is because there are two of everything – two extruders, two motors, etc. – so if one part breaks, you can still continue printing with the other.
  • They are simply better quality overall. They produce prints that are smoother and have less layer lines. If you’re looking for the best possible print quality, a dual extruder printer is the way to go.

How do dual extruder 3D printers work

Dual extruder demonstration

Dual extruder demonstration. Image source: Solvelight Robotics

A dual extruder printer has two separate extruders, each with its own nozzle. This allows the printer to print with two different colors of filament or two different materials.

Dual extruder printers usually have one nozzle for each color of filament, but some printers have one hot end for each color of filament. This type of printer is beneficial because it allows for more creativity and design options. For example, a dual extruder printer could be used to print a vase with two different colors of clay. The vase would be made in one piece, but the two colors would be visible.

In order to print with two different materials, the 3D printer must be able to control both extruders independently. This is accomplished with a 3D slicer. A 3D slicer takes a 3D model and converts it into instructions that tell the 3D printer how to build the object layer by layer.

Dual extruder 3D printers also are useful for 3D printing objects with multiple materials. For example, a phone case could be printed with a hard plastic outer layer and a rubbery inner layer. This would give the phone case extra protection and shock absorption. Dual extruder printers are more expensive than single ones, but they offer more printing options and capabilities.

Overall, dual extrusion 3D printing is a relatively new technology, but it’s already revolutionizing the world of 3D printing. You can unleash your creativity and produce truly unique objects with dual extrusion. If you’re looking for a 3D printer that can do more than just print in one color, then a dual extruder 3D printer is perfect.

Best Dual Extruder 3D Printers

Below are some of the best dual extruder 3D printers in the market.

1. Ultimaker S5

The Ultimaker S5 is a dual extruder 3D printer that offers businesses and educational institutions a reliable, high-quality printing solution. With its dual extruders, the Ultimaker S5 can print in multiple colors and materials, allowing users to create complex, multicolored prints.
In addition, the Ultimaker S5 features an enclosed build chamber, which helps to improve print quality by preventing drafts and temperature fluctuations.

The Ultimaker S5 also features a robust build platform, which can accommodate prints up to 330 x 240 x 300 mm in size. With its high-quality prints, dual extruders, and enclosed build chamber, the Ultimaker S5 is an ideal 3D printer for businesses and educational institutions.

2. BIBO 3D Printer

The BIBO 3D Printer is a dual extruder 3D printer that offers a versatile printing experience. It has the ability to print in two colors or materials, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

BIBO 3D Printer

The BIBO also features an onboard camera, which allows you to monitor your prints from start to finish. In addition, the BIBO has a heated build plate and an enclosed printing chamber, making it possible to print with ABS and other materials.

With its many features and capabilities, the BIBO 3D Printer is a great choice for anyone looking for a versatile and user-friendly 3D printing solution.

3. SmuFF V6

The dual extruder 3D printer from SmuFF is the perfect solution for those who want to print in multiple colors or materials. With two independent extruders, switching between colors or materials mid-print is easy. And thanks to the dual extrusion system, you can even print two colors or materials at the same time.

The SmuFF V6 is a versatile and powerful 3D printer that is perfect for anyone who wants to unleash their creativity. It features a large build volume and a heated build plate. The printer also has a touchscreen interface and an auto-leveling function.

4. Geeetech A20T

The Geeetech A20T is a dual extruder 3D printer that offers excellent value for money. It features a large build volume and dual extruders, which allow you to print with two different materials or colors.

The A20T also has a heated bed, which helps to improve the quality of your prints. Overall, the Geeetech A20T is a great option for those looking for a dual extruder 3D printer on a budget.

5. BCN3D Sigma D25

The BCN3D Sigma D25 is a dual extruder 3D printer that offers users the ability to print with two different colors or materials. It features a sturdy metal frame and a heated build plate, making it ideal for printing larger objects.

The Sigma D25 also comes with a built-in filament spool holder, which helps to keep the work area tidy and organized. Overall, the BCN3D Sigma D25 is a great option for users who need a versatile and reliable dual extruder 3D printer.

6. Ultimaker S3

The Ultimaker S3 is a dual extruder 3D printer that offers outstanding print quality and reliability. With its dual extruders, it is able to print in multiple colors and materials, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

Ultimaker S3 Dual Extrusion

The Ultimaker S3 is also equipped with an enclosed build chamber, which helps to improve print consistency and reduce the risk of warping.

This 3D printer has the ability to print with multiple materials, including PLA, ABS, and nylon. The Ultimaker S3 also has a large build volume, making it ideal for large projects. In addition, the printer offers a wide range of print resolutions, from 0.25mm to 0.075mm.

The Ultimaker S3 is also equipped with an auto-leveling build plate and a filament detection system. These features make the Ultimaker S3 an ideal choice for users who need a high-quality 3D printer that is easy to use.